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How do I Invite Athletes by Phone Number?
How do I Invite Athletes by Phone Number?

Make sure to follow these steps if registering an Athlete with their Phone Number

Maggie Kennedy avatar
Written by Maggie Kennedy
Updated over a month ago

Mobile App Instructions

(Scroll Down for Web Browser instructions)

If you’d prefer to invite an athlete to join CoachNow with their phone number, please follow these instructions. It is important to make sure you follow these steps because simply adding their phone number does not send them the invitation.

Select “Add by Phone”

If you are also creating a new Space while adding this athlete, then choose your settings and select “Create”

Then, you will see the following pop up and you will have those two options.

If “Sending Invitation Now,” the different options for you to send the link from your phone will appear. (ie. sending via Text, your Email app, WhatsApp, etc)

If “I will send the invite later” you will have to return to the Space and follow the same steps above another time.


On Web Browser

Select “Add by Phone Number”

If you are also creating a new Space while adding this athlete, then choose your settings and select “Next”

If you need to add them to any lists, you’ll also have the option to do that and then can select “Create Space.”

Copy the link and send it to your Athlete however you have been communicating with them. (Email, WhatsApp, IG, etc)

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