You can always edit or delete post and replies you've added. If you're the Owner of a Space/Team, you can moderate any posts/replies from any member that appear it it. Here's how:
Editing a post
If you've created the post or you're the Owner of the Space/Team, navigate to the post, then tap the 3-dot icon in the right corner. Tap "Edit" and you can update copy or edit/add its Tags. After making changes, tap "Update" in the top bar.
Deleting a post
If you've created the post or you're the Owner of the Space/Team, navigate to the post, then tap the 3-dot icon in the right corner. Tap "Delete", accept the prompt and the post will be deleted.
Editing/deleting a reply
If you've created the reply or you're the Owner of the Space/Team, navigate to the reply, then tap and hold down on it. Here you can copy, edit or delete it.