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How do I manage notifications?

Manage all your digest, email, and push notifications.

Alex Berlin avatar
Written by Alex Berlin
Updated over 11 months ago

Notifications are crucial to staying up-to-date and keeping your communications active, but sometimes it's easy to get bogged down. Here's how to manage them:

Email Digests

Get a daily or weekly email summary of all activity from Spaces or Groups you're apart of. From the Home Screen click on the Notifications icon (Bell) in the bottom menu.

Then tap the gear icon in the top right

Then, select "Daily Digest" to fine-tune when you get the emailed during the day.

Space Notifications

You can also manage the type of notifications you get per Space you're a member of. Navigate to Notifications icon (seen in screenshot above), tap the gear icon in the top bar(seen in screenshot above) and tap "Spaces".

Tap the email or phone icons to turn on/off notifications for that specific Space.

Group Notifications

You can also manage the type of notifications you get per Group you're a member of. Navigate to the Group, tap on the gear icon in the in the top bar and select "Group Settings".

Toggle the blue switch on or off for Email and Push Notifications based on your preference.

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